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You’re just in time. I’ve got some big beautiful shrimp on hand and I wanted to share my recipe for Crunchy Coconut Shrimp with y’all! It’s a celebration for your mouth. Let’s get this party started! “Crunchy Coconut Shrimp with Dipping Sauce” 1 pound of raw tail-on shrimp (peeled and deveined) 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 2-3 eggs, beaten 1 cup Panko bread crumbs 1 and ½ cups shredded coconut Salt and pepper

Hey now! I’ll definitely be stirring up my Fruit Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing for our Fourth of July celebration, so I thought I'd share it early enough that y'all could enjoy it, too. This is one of those recipes you’ll want to have on hand while the produce aisle is just brimming with fresh fruit! Here,  I’ll walk y’all through it. “Fruit Salad with Poppy Seed

I've got a delicious new recipe for y'all from my recent trip to Bluffton, South Carolina, compliments of Church of the Cross and their church cookbook. One of the neatest parts of my job is the cookbook gifts I often get when I travel and speak. I’m amassing quite a collection and I love to share my finds from those treasured volumes with you! Like this Mexican Corn

So, last week I walked y’all through my simple steps to a delicious pulled pork you can use as a main meat for your meal or in dishes where you don’t want a barbecue sauce. Today, I want to share my Pulled Pork Corn and Potato Chowder that you can make on the second day—if you have any leftover meat! "The Belle's Pulled Pork Corn and

I have an often used and much loved barbecue pulled pork recipe in my tried and true file. I'll always use it. However, I want to show y'all another of my pulled pork crockpot techniques that will also produce tons of flavor and a delightful sauce from it's own juices for those times when your recipe doesn't call for a barbecue taste. (Like, my Pulled Pork Corn Chowder, for