•  ATS Segments (Page 7)

Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen! I served up my Sweet Potato Swirl this past Thanksgiving to rave reviews. And here’s the cool part. Some of the folks on the taste test panel at my house were anti-sweet potato folks. Don’t you just love when that happens? I do. Here, let me walk you through this dish. Perhaps you’ll find

I was minding my own business and typing away on my laptop when I noticed something out of my peripheral vision. Something large was moving across my back yard. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I turned around to discover a red-headed cow loitering on my property. It was bizarre, the red-head and her clown suit. If you know my BFF, you’re probably ahead of me. But yes, it was

Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen, friends! Chances are your team has a big game this weekend. Whether you plan to tailgate on site, or host a pregame or postgame party at your house, or just chill with your sweetheart, you need a special treat to whip up for munching and I, your happy hostess, have just the right one! It’s my Homemade

I’ve worked out most of my life, give or take a season, and I’ve proven one theory over and over again. If you get off the exercise wagon it’s increasingly difficult to find the motivation to climb back on board. As of this writing, I’m managing to incorporate thirty minutes of daily conditioning into my busy lifestyle but honestly, I have a tenuous hold on

Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen.  Today I want to tell you about a ministry that’s very special to me while giving you a recipe shared at one of our meetings. Founded by my good friend, Dr. Joneal Kirby, Heartfelt Ministries is based on the message of Titus 2. It gives women practical ideas and the necessary inspiration to transform surface-level interactions in

I ran across a fascinating story about the late newspaper publisher, William Randolph Hearst. I want to share it with you because of the tremendous truth I think it holds for all of us. As the story goes, the tremendously wealthy Mr. Hearst was an avid art collector who spared no expense in acquiring treasures from all over the world. One day, Mr. Hearst read about

Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. Brace yourself, fellow southerners. It has come to my attention that some of our listeners have never had Shrimp and Grits. I am prone to forgetting that we have people with us who aren’t from around here but never fear. I’m prepared to fix this. My Shrimp and Grits recipe is killer good and