Festival Gators and A Belated Ground Hog Day Greeting
Hey y'all, I thought I'd post this because yesterday was Groundhog Day, and I'm nothing if not right on top of things around here, right? (Don't answer that. God "don't" like ugly.) This is a little excerpt from one of my humor books, Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy. It occurred to me that A) I rarely mention them anymore, and B)
Hiding from the FBI and Other Big News
Hey folks! Are y'all wondering about that headline? I thought you might. I had to drop a little funny for two reasons. First, it's been so long since I sent out an email I figured you may be indeed thinking I was either hiding from the law or I had fallen off my kayak and become gator bait. Neither is true, as of this writing.
Join me for the Finding Deep and Wide Launch!
So, this is happening! I'm going to be teaching my new book at Whites Ferry Rd., Church of Christ in West Monroe, LA, January 25, 2020. Along with beautiful times of worship in song, guests can expect three study sessions, breaks with refreshments, and a delicious lunch! All for $25 with an Early Bird Special of $20! I’ve purposefully chosen an intimate setting with limited
When Your Smart Device Taunts You
Hey y'all! See this bad boy? He’s officially called a Zenergy but there’s a story behind his new nickname and he is not as innocent as this pic would suggest. The beloved farmer and I bought him a while back. (I wrote about it here.) We used him for a while —until he somehow got unplugged, and sat alone through the busy holidays. I fixed
You’re Invited to join the Finding Deep and Wide Launch Team! (With perks!)
Merry Christmas, dear readers! I'm simply beside myself, so brace yourself for some full out giddiness! After what seems like an eternity since I began writing it, and after more travail, praying, dark chocolate, and coffee than I could measure, boxes of my next book baby arrived at my home office today. YES! I've got a copy of Finding Deep and Wide right here with
Because I want to be a real girl
Revelation 4:1 tells us “There is a door standing open in heaven.” I want to spend the last few moments communicating as openly as I can about that wonderful door. No filters. No pretense. Here’s the unvarnished truth. I wish I could tell you that every morning when I set out to pray, the heavens part and communion with the One my soul loves is immediate. But
Birthing Woes, Canine Terrorists, and a Potluck Podcast
Hey y'all, have a seat, and let's chat… I hope your summer has gotten off to a great start. It hasn’t taken long for things to heat up here in the northeast corner of Louisiana. Ironically, yet true to the life of the farmer, we were super late getting our crops planted because of all the rain—and now, we’re laying poly pipe and watering. So are
Shellie talks farming, suspect stress, and Confessions of a Christian Mystic with author River Jordan
Welcome back to All Things Southern, y’all! Let's chat
Shellie Visits with Jolina Petersheim, Talks Sneaky Snakes, and Dishes up Jalapeno Lime Slaw!
Hey, y’all! My friend Jolina Petersheim will be joining me in a bit to talk about her new book, How the Light Gets In. Jolina and her husband live in the mountains of Tennessee with their three young daughters. How the Light Gets In is her fifth novel and it’s a modern retelling of Ruth set in a cranberry bog in Wisconsin that will hook you
Sausage and Goat Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms
SO, last night I was in the kitchen browning a pound of bulk sausage with a bit of chopped belle pepper, onion, and celery mix for stuffed mushrooms, when