•  blog (Page 8)

Hey folks! I'm passionate about helping you live the life Jesus died to give you! Storytelling is simply my favorite form of communication because I believe the whole world stops for a story! Today's episode was taped at my parents' house. Background music complements of my mom, also known as The Queen of Us All! Now, for my newsletter readers, here's my promise to you. I'm not

Hey friends! I've got developing news on my last book Finding Deep and Wide! I'll be able to share as soon as I get a confirmation on one small detail. Meanwhile, please enjoy this joyfulness (and a wee bit of silliness) as my family celebrated with me. I love these people! Let's break for the video and then I have a few closing thoughts below.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kgv9_sTtkA8 Okay,

    This was my first time to create Dried Orange Garlands to add to my Christmas decorations, but it won’t be my last. The smell is heavenly and I’m a longtime fan of bringing natural elements inside. This project was fun. I gathered my components, spent a little time, and voila! Lean in, and I’ll show you. Gather: 4-5 Oranges Burlap strips for bows Fishing wire or twine Greenery White lights *optional Cinnamon

If ever we needed to celebrate the Light of the World coming into our darkness, it’s Christmas 2020! Right? What’s that? I’m having a hard time hearing you over the amen corner. I get it! I know people who decked their walls in October and double dog dared anyone to part their lips in judgement. But seriously, we may sense how sorely we need Christmas this

This letter is not addressed to the social revolutionaries behind much of our nation’s unrest. Yes, they're among us and their motivation isn't new. It can be found by any number of names throughout the history of civilization. Their goal is to concentrate power so they can rule unchallenged.  They want us to be so fearful of X, Y, or Z that we surrender our personal

Hey friends! Don’t be confused and don’t go anywhere, please. You’re in the right place!  I’m in the midst of rebranding. Pretty soon you won’t see the words All Things Southern on my podcast title, (or at the website!) I just thought I’d leave them for a little while longer while we make the transition. So, why the name change? It’s simple really. While it’s hard