Developing News, a Thank You, and a Bit of Silliness

Hey friends! I’ve got developing news on my last book Finding Deep and Wide! I’ll be able to share as soon as I get a confirmation on one small detail. Meanwhile, please enjoy this joyfulness (and a wee bit of silliness) as my family celebrated with me. I love these people! Let’s break for the video and then I have a few closing thoughts below. 

Okay, okay, so here’s the rest of the story…I also wanted an excuse to send out a HUGE thank you to everyone for responding so enthusiastically about the idea of shorter and more frequent communications. To say that y’all blessed me with your encouraging words is a huge understatement. I will do my best to honor your support. IF I’ve set it up properly, this email is hitting your box through an RSS feed, which means nothing to you, but for me it means skipping the step of adding this email to my email software and sending, and thus allowing me to send shorter and more frequent messages easier. I’ll also be able to post blogs on the road from my phone and have them sent via the software automatically. I know, yada yada, right? Just bear with me as I test these things. I’m an old dog learning new tricks!

May the Good Lord bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace…
