•  blog (Page 11)

  Did that title throw you? It sounds like I’ve smushed Thanksgiving smack dab into Christmas, doesn’t it? I’ll explain. For years now, I’ve been on a quest to learn how to live Christmas with Jesus instead of doing Christmas the way the world does. Many of you have been sharing that journey with me through my Advent devotionals. During that time, you’ve also joined me in

*DISCLAIMER: I had a nostalgic day. It slayed me out of no-where, so this post is long, detail heavy, and probably interesting only to me, and maybe Mama. (I love you, Mama.) Consider yourselves warned. That said, I took lunch to the field earlier today and fell into a wrinkle in time. I found myself thinking back to the early days of All Things Southern. I’ve

Hey y’all! A new podcast is up! You can find the link to listen at the bottom of this blog post. And/or you can subscribe for free on iTunes. I know, however, that some of y'all are having trouble following the transition, so I've tried to transcribe most of it for you here

Hey y'all! There's a little bit of everything in this podcast episode. Some SRC (Straight Running Crazy) news, my fantabulous Garlic Cheese Grits Recipe served at Eli's baby shower, and some thoughts on loving our littles well. Also, best-selling author Dani Pettrey drops in to talk about her latest release, Dead Drift. Showering Baby Eli!   Food, glorious food   The Cheese Grits had to make an encore

Heads-up, y’all. The new people we want to become are found in Christ Jesus, not in our resolutions, however sincere they may be. We can try to be more loving, more forgiving, and more patient. We can try to remember to pray more, read our Bibles more, and complain less, but we’ll be setting ourselves up to fail and frustrating the grace of Christ while

Day One December 3 The scripture passage for our Advent is familiar to most, but I’m asking the Spirit of God to breathe fresh revelation into our study. The passage opens with an exchange between two women—one old, one young; one barren-until-blessed, one virginal-past-conception. Meet Elizabeth, the aging wife of a Hebrew priest, expectant with John the Baptist, and Mary, a young teenager pregnant with Promise Himself. The

En guard, y'all! The trap of Christmas Crazy is set and waiting to spring. It’ll promise “more is more” but deliver “less and less.” I love Christmas! Flat out love it hence my vulnerability to become trapped by the Christmas Crazies. Christmas Crazy jumps on me the first day I notice the seasonal home decor lining store shelves, and from there, the drum beat only gets louder.