•  Daily Radio Segments (Page 4)

How long has it been since you looked up? No, not from your smart phone, but that, too. When was the last time you tilted your sweet tired stressed head back and looked straight up into the endless expanse of the sky above us? If you can go outside and do that now, please do. I'll wait. If you’re driving, or you couldn't do it right

Hello folks, let’s chat…I met the mother daughter duo during an author event in South Louisiana. The mother arrived holding a worn copy of Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On that she was hoping I might personalize. Granted, I’m happy to do that anytime, but y’all, that mother had toted my book all the way from California! No, not for my signing,

Hey now! I’ll definitely be stirring up my Fruit Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing for our Fourth of July celebration, so I thought I'd share it early enough that y'all could enjoy it, too. This is one of those recipes you’ll want to have on hand while the produce aisle is just brimming with fresh fruit! Here,  I’ll walk y’all through it. “Fruit Salad with Poppy Seed

Weston the Wonder Boy is our youngest grandchild and in some ways he seems determined to catch the fabulous four that are just ahead of him. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Weston’s growing up and changing even faster than his siblings and his cousins, and that’s saying something. Of course, it’s more likely my grandmother perspective speaking, seeing as how it appears likely

Hey y’all and Happy Memorial Day Weekend to everyone.  I wanted to drop in and let you know that ATS LIVE will be airing a rerun Monday evening. I’ll really miss being with y’all, but it’s the right choice. Monday will find me here in Lake Providence with friends and family. We’ll grill, eat, play, and swap stories but only after we’ve joined the community for our town’s

I've got a delicious new recipe for y'all from my recent trip to Bluffton, South Carolina, compliments of Church of the Cross and their church cookbook. One of the neatest parts of my job is the cookbook gifts I often get when I travel and speak. I’m amassing quite a collection and I love to share my finds from those treasured volumes with you! Like this Mexican Corn

I have an often used and much loved barbecue pulled pork recipe in my tried and true file. I'll always use it. However, I want to show y'all another of my pulled pork crockpot techniques that will also produce tons of flavor and a delightful sauce from it's own juices for those times when your recipe doesn't call for a barbecue taste. (Like, my Pulled Pork Corn Chowder, for

Last week we chatted about some of the unusual things I’ve discovered about aging. (Side note: it’s been suggested that I use the phrasing “as I mature”, but I’m not sure they’re one and the same. So there’s that.) But, back to my discoveries. Some of my findings are probably universal but I suspect that not all of them are, like my increasing tendency to let