•  Faith

Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog

Hey friend, I'm meeting myself coming and going on the road right now, but you are never far from my mind. Honest! I'm always asking the Lord for ways to add value to your life, to ease your load, to make you chuckle, but most of all, to help you discover the abundance of Christ Jesus. And not because I think I've arrived. Goodness no,

Hello, friend! This past weekend I enjoyed a wonderful retreat with the ladies of my home church. I had no sooner arrived Friday afternoon when I pulled my camera out and taped the following clip. I just had to-- Holy Spirit was pressing on me. I hope you'll check it out and then come back and chat more below.   https://youtu.be/zJ7Vxzqa_6U Do let me know if that little

Hey friend, that little home studio I threw together is already coming in quite handy! I usually have to get in warp mode when I have to do a zoom interview with a radio station, podcast, conference director, etc. Now, I just have to sit down and talk. As you know, the talking part comes easy. LOL! Be nice. God don't like ugly. But, here's

Hey friend! Here's the video version of this chat. https://youtu.be/w6WNf6mKIWQ In my ongoing efforts to serve you better, I may do more of these teachings going forward so you can read, if you prefer, or watch, if that suits you better! If you have a moment to let me know if you have interest in the videos so I can gauge the effectiveness, please do! And