March Madness Lagniappe from my house to yours!
Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog
Merry Christmas from my house to yours
Merry Christmas, friend! I'm not naive enough to expect any of you fine people to read this today, but hey, it will be here when you do find time to catch up and breathe. So, whenever that is, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and let's chat
When God Smiles at You
Hello friend! Happy New Year! I’ve got a word of encouragement for you today. It’s one we don’t celebrate nearly as much in the body of Christ as we should, but one I want to be found sharing with anyone who’ll listen. First, some back story. Yesterday, I had the great pleasure of being with a group of women at my local First Methodist Church here
The Disembodied Hand, a chilly bump story just for you!
I hear tell some of you like a story that gives you chill bumps. Well, I’ve got a fairly creepy one for you. We’ll be reading straight from the fifth chapter of Daniel if you want to open your Word. However, I'm going to share it in storytelling style, so I’ll put my thoughts in italics and parenthesis to make double dog sure there’s no
The A-List is Draining the life out of you. Here’s how to get it back!
Hey friend, I'm meeting myself coming and going on the road right now, but you are never far from my mind. Honest! I'm always asking the Lord for ways to add value to your life, to ease your load, to make you chuckle, but most of all, to help you discover the abundance of Christ Jesus. And not because I think I've arrived. Goodness no,
On Squirrel Brains, Prayer Tips, and Pig Parties
Hello, friend! This past weekend I enjoyed a wonderful retreat with the ladies of my home church. I had no sooner arrived Friday afternoon when I pulled my camera out and taped the following clip. I just had to-- Holy Spirit was pressing on me. I hope you'll check it out and then come back and chat more below. Do let me know if that little
You CAN fall in love with God’s Word!
Hey friend, I had you on my mind earlier, so I sat down for a chat
A little Saturday something to help you in your walk with Jesus
Hey friend, that little home studio I threw together is already coming in quite handy! I usually have to get in warp mode when I have to do a zoom interview with a radio station, podcast, conference director, etc. Now, I just have to sit down and talk. As you know, the talking part comes easy. LOL! Be nice. God don't like ugly. But, here's
The Humor, the Hard, and the Holy…God is in it all
Hey friend, I hope this finds you doing well. It's a lovely Saturday night here and I've got a story for you. It begins with this first pic. I told it on social earlier, and then I decided that I really wanted to tell you, too. I had a blast with the women of Swartz Baptist Church last night. It was my first meeting of the 2023
How to walk closer to Jesus in 2023 than you ever have before!
Hey friend! Here's the video version of this chat. In my ongoing efforts to serve you better, I may do more of these teachings going forward so you can read, if you prefer, or watch, if that suits you better! If you have a moment to let me know if you have interest in the videos so I can gauge the effectiveness, please do! And