•  Faith (Page 3)

Ken Ken the Baby Friend’s expression has a lot to do with Honey, the all-important stuffy she’s clutching by the throat. The stuffy who was temporarily lost before he was found and led everyone to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Honey won’t always be able to provide the security Kennedy will need. We know this. You do too. We all know she’ll face days that

Merry Christmas friends, I hope this finds you and yours well. I think of you often and wonder how you are faring in these strange times, so I'm making a quality decision to hit the breaks and catch up with y'all as we head into these final preparation days for Christmas. I have a delicious pie for you! And, of course, I have some Advent thoughts

If ever we needed to celebrate the Light of the World coming into our darkness, it’s Christmas 2020! Right? What’s that? I’m having a hard time hearing you over the amen corner. I get it! I know people who decked their walls in October and double dog dared anyone to part their lips in judgement. But seriously, we may sense how sorely we need Christmas this