Who are you wearing?
Ah…the interesting universe of Hollywood and the mega rich. There are many things celebrities do, say, and wear that I find off putting, to say the least. But there are other things about their world that strike me as strange, or funny. Or both. For the sake of today’s discussion, I’d like to explore their red carpet moments and the odd habit they-- and the
Be Imitators of God as Beloved Children
Weston the Wonder Boy is our youngest grandchild and in some ways he seems determined to catch the fabulous four that are just ahead of him. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Weston’s growing up and changing even faster than his siblings and his cousins, and that’s saying something. Of course, it’s more likely my grandmother perspective speaking, seeing as how it appears likely
God Wants to Give You the Blessing of Perspective
I hesitate to broach the following conversation because every time I mention how much I dislike spiders my Facebook wall gets flooded with images of the little monsters, compliments of people who call me friends. And yet they enjoy harassing me. What is that? You’d think I’d skirt the subject entirely, and I would— if Father God would keep his spiders out of my state,
Jessica Robertson visits All Things Southern
Several weeks ago now I had Jep and Jessica Robertson, stars of the hit A&E reality show Duck Dynasty in the ATS LIVE studio with me to talk about their book, The Good, The Bad, and The Grace of God. I so enjoyed their visit and the message of this book stayed with me long after I read it. It's why I circled back and
When It Seems Too Much To Ask
What would prayer do? Those words dropped in my heart around midnight several weeks ago with such power that it woke me from a deep sleep. I slept lightly the rest of the night, drifting in and out of full consciousness, but always with that phrase presenting itself front and center in my thoughts. What would prayer do? I knew it was a riff of the line,
Let’s Go Home, A Love Story
It's been two years since I wrote about my Searching Dreams, and how I always wake up from them drained and depleted. I looked it up. I don't know how many recurrences I've had since. They come like clockwork. Searching Dreams, that's what I’ve taken to calling the nightly dramas I have so often. It’s almost impossible to explain them to a second party, but this
Fifty Shades of Heartbreak
That would be me -- whenever I think about the movie opening this weekend, right in time for Valentine's Day, a holiday meant to honor true love. Only it doesn't. Fifty Shades of Grey poses as romance while celebrating lust, bondage, and torture. Before you ask, the answer is no. I did not read the book, but nor do I live on Mars. What's more, my man and
Empty Me
There's this song, Empty Me by Chris Sligh. The lyrics strip me down every time I play it
A Divine Starting Place without a Finish Line
It's here, friends, Christmas Day has come. Please know that I'm forever touched by your desire to spend this season with me and my sweet author friends, (thanks again Tricia, Joneal, Marybeth, and Mary!) However close we came to celebrating the true meaning of Christmas throughout this season, or how far from the mark we found ourselves falling, our goal was a worthy one and
Jesus, the Original Gift that Keeps on Giving
I'm so humbled that you're taking a moment to read this devotional on Christmas Eve. I wrote it to remind us that there is always more Jesus for us to embrace and enjoy, if we'll only refuse to settle. And now, I'm going to honor your time and leave you to it without further comment. Blessings, friends. ~