•  family (Page 6)

*DISCLAIMER: I had a nostalgic day. It slayed me out of no-where, so this post is long, detail heavy, and probably interesting only to me, and maybe Mama. (I love you, Mama.) Consider yourselves warned. That said, I took lunch to the field earlier today and fell into a wrinkle in time. I found myself thinking back to the early days of All Things Southern. I’ve

This is Shellie, AKA Belle of All Things Southern, helping hungry hearts feast on Jesus through humor & storytelling, and it’s a blessing to have you drop by. The men are still busy harvesting and I’m here in the office where I’ve prepared a fun show for y’all. Author and host of the popular website eatathometonight.com Tiffany King will join me in a bit to talk about

I made a big announcement on ATS LIVE this past Monday about how I've taken some time lately to lay everything I'm doing before the Lord and asking Him for direction on it all. My goal? To be intentional about where I am and where I'm headed.  That dreaming, musing, and praying, has led me to do some revamping and remodeling here at All Things

Those loud celebrations you heard recently weren’t necessarily coming from your local schoolyard. This belle’s off-season has also arrived, and I whooped it up when I finally unpacked my suitcase. I adore helping us women feast our hungry souls on Jesus through humor and storytelling, but I’ve learned just how much I need to rest and recharge. Feel free to contact me to get something

And, it’s a wrap! Christmas 2017 is in the books. I hope it was all you dreamed it would be. Sometimes, the expectations can fall way short of the reality. I remember having my heart set on a certain game as a young child and being mighty happy when I found my heart's desire under the Christmas tree. Sadly, however, its plastic parts didn't even

Hey y'all, I'm in a full out run of preparation. I'll be leaving for Guatemala this coming Monday, part of a Compassion Int'l mission trip. Amidst all the packing and double checking of the packing, I've turned my kitchen into an assembly line to put good food in the freezer for my beloved farmer to enjoy while I'm away. It's what you do when you were raised by a good Southern

It’s been weeks since my daughter dropped a huge ceramic dish on her right foot, nearly severing the tendon of her big toe. The painful accident led to an emergency room visit with four-year-old Connor in tow, who was quite put out the entire time because she inadvertently left his afternoon popcorn in the microwave. For shame. The trip included multiple stiches and shots to

Weston the Wonder Boy is our youngest grandchild and in some ways he seems determined to catch the fabulous four that are just ahead of him. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Weston’s growing up and changing even faster than his siblings and his cousins, and that’s saying something. Of course, it’s more likely my grandmother perspective speaking, seeing as how it appears likely