March Madness Lagniappe from my house to yours!
Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog
Discovering it isn’t so small after all
Settle in a moment if you have the time. I want to challenge all of us with a different way of thinking about that one small step we need to take today, that one action we've been putting off, that one phone call we need to make, that one decision hanging in the balance, that one step into the rest of our lives. And I
Seven Ways Jesus Words on the Cross Teach us to Live!
Seven Ways Jesus Words on the Cross Teach us to Live! We come to these seven words as people of the Way who have believed in God and received the Spirit of His Son into our hearts calling out, “Abba Father, not my will but yours.” We acknowledge our weakness and the futility of trying to live a surrendered life through our best intentions and
The Most Rewarding Invitation Awaits
Hello friend, Welcome back to my porch here in northeast Louisiana. I'm just snagging a moment to reach out to you. Life keeps coming at full speed here and I'm sure you can say the same, but I love this community and I miss y'all when too much time gets away without connecting. So, let's catch up. On this side of the screen, the Beloved Farmer and
The Emperor is nekkid again and this time he has plenty of company
Greetings, friend, and thank you for being a part of this deeply appreciated community! I'm fresh off my last speaking engagement of the season. Serving the women of The Crossing Church in Kernersville, NC was a pure delight but Monday has come with a ton of mountain of responsibilities and tasks that need addressing. I'll get to them, but first, I wanted to share something
A little Saturday something to help you in your walk with Jesus
Hey friend, that little home studio I threw together is already coming in quite handy! I usually have to get in warp mode when I have to do a zoom interview with a radio station, podcast, conference director, etc. Now, I just have to sit down and talk. As you know, the talking part comes easy. LOL! Be nice. God don't like ugly. But, here's
We CAN find peace and joy WHILE fulfilling our purpose in 2023! Join me on the journey!
Hey friend! I'm working on launch details for my next book, Seizing the Good Life, releasing June 13, 2023 and I’m getting ridiculously excited! Short answer for why this book, now? Because John’s gospel has given me a glorious conviction of how present and willing Jesus is to help believers keep believing! I want us to celebrate that truth together, and I want to give
When God Has a Question for You
Hello friend, greetings from my back porch where I would not be stationed were it not for the breeze from the ceiling fans! I dearly love writing outdoors but the August humidity in Louisiana is legendary and today is no different. It showered briefly earlier and it's trying to build up again. I'd give up and ask the Good Lord to send it on down,
Make sure your children hear you first
Let's get one thing out in the open. I expect blow back for speaking to this subject. I'm okay with that. I'll choose to love those who agree with me and those who don't. I won't be silent because the truth is now considered intolerant or hateful. I intend to keep speaking truth in love as long as I have voice and opportunity because one
Unwrapping Advent
I’ll have more to say more about this next announcement after Thanksgiving, but I’ve also been busy creating a special Christmas offer. You’re warmly invited to walk through Christmas with me! If you're subscribed to this site you may click here to download my free printer-friendly devotional Unwrapping Advent and you’ll be all set for December 1st!