March Madness Lagniappe from my house to yours!
Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog
Spring langniappe from my house to yours ~ ShellieT
Hey friend! It’s ShellieT here with a host of different things on my mind, meaning today's letter will be a little longer than normal. I have a Holy Week reading for you at the end, but first. Let’s chat… I'll begin with that intro. I started using ShellieT in social media posts and videos a while back to help readers remember where to find this little
When God Smiles at You
Hello friend! Happy New Year! I’ve got a word of encouragement for you today. It’s one we don’t celebrate nearly as much in the body of Christ as we should, but one I want to be found sharing with anyone who’ll listen. First, some back story. Yesterday, I had the great pleasure of being with a group of women at my local First Methodist Church here
The A-List is Draining the life out of you. Here’s how to get it back!
Hey friend, I'm meeting myself coming and going on the road right now, but you are never far from my mind. Honest! I'm always asking the Lord for ways to add value to your life, to ease your load, to make you chuckle, but most of all, to help you discover the abundance of Christ Jesus. And not because I think I've arrived. Goodness no,
A Bit of Nonsense because #lifeisbetterwhenyourelaughing
Hey friends! I'm in an all out run this fine Monday morning trying to catch up from the road and the blessings of being able to speak at the Cowgirl Get Together conference this past weekend in Brownsboro, TX. The greatest blessings, and there were many, would hands down be the two souls I was privileged to pray with as they gave their hearts to
The Beloved Farmer Decorates, Kinda, and a Gift just for you!
Hey friend! I really did mean to write to this fine community before Thanksgiving, but -- life just keeps coming! That's all I've got for you by way of explanation, and I have a feeling that's enough. Y'all are gracious like that. I’m currently recovering from the Turkey Day festivities around here and considering decorating for Christmas. Considering being the key word. There were Thanksgiving
Road trips and Randomness from Shellie
Hey friend, it's an absolutely gorgeous day from where I sit on the back porch. Grabbing a photo here for illustration. Granted, it's taken through the screen, but I feel like you'll still be able to enjoy the beauty of God's creation with me. Hank, who also goes by Hankster the Prankster, Hanky Panky, and a host of other ridiculous monikers I've tagged him with and
When God Has a Question for You
Hello friend, greetings from my back porch where I would not be stationed were it not for the breeze from the ceiling fans! I dearly love writing outdoors but the August humidity in Louisiana is legendary and today is no different. It showered briefly earlier and it's trying to build up again. I'd give up and ask the Good Lord to send it on down,
TOE POPPING IS AN ACQUIRED TASTE or Miscellaneous thoughts from the porch
Hello my friend, I hope you're busy squeezing the last big of goodness out of this summer. We are! It's been several long hot months for us, but glory to God, last night we got 2-4 inches on the farm. We were ecstatic about getting to turn the pumps off and giving everyone a break from watering. Don't get me wrong, we're grateful that we
Have You Seen the hot new show? “What’s Up With Weston”!
Hey friends, I'm dropping in to tell you about a brand new show called "What's Up with Weston!" That would be my youngest grandson, and this would be his first episode. ~smile~ Check it out. There's an invite for you in the middle of it! Hugs, Shellie