On Family Secrets and Fresh Frog Legs
Hello folks, let's chat…We have a bit of Straight Running Crazy news today, and a related story from one of your fellow porchers. First the news, did you know frog smoothies are all the rage in Peru? I read street vendors there blend the little fellows into drinks and bill them as comfort food-- for the customers, not the frogs. Strangely, I shared that story
Should I be Worried that I’m Not Worried
Hello folks, let's chat…Not a day goes by that my email box isn’t flooded with things I’m supposed to be worrying about. Many of these concerns have a Chicken Little feel, only these people know the sky is falling because their “mother’s sister’s cousin-in-law’s uncle’s aunt had X and Y happen to them so this isn’t just a forward and you had best pass it
The Art of Howling at the Moon
Hello folks, let's chat
Don’t Count Dixie Out
Hello folks, let's chat
For the love of the Farm Life
Hello folks, let's chat
Why you can’t trust spiders
Hello folks, let's chat
Say That Again
Hello folks, let's chat
On Uniquely Redneck Roadtrips
Hello folks, let's chat
On Good Friends and Evil Pranks
Hello folks, let's chat! Every other Friday I write for a blog called Southern Belleview. Perhaps you've been visiting with us there. We have ten authors and speakers who blog regularly about this, that, and the other, and as our tag-lines puts it, "We are down write southern." (Tricky, huh?) One of my good friends who also happens to be a Southern Belleview belle was with
It Be Powerful All Right
Hello folks, let's chat