•  latest chat (Page 8)

Hello folks, let's chat… I don’t have all the answers for fixing our increasingly divisive world, but it would help if we made an effort to listen to each other again, however different the other person might seem. Might we turn to a story for illustration? I’m not the type to do the manicure/pedicure thing. I’m still not sure how it happened. All I know is, I

Hello folks, let’s chat…I met the mother daughter duo during an author event in South Louisiana. The mother arrived holding a worn copy of Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On that she was hoping I might personalize. Granted, I’m happy to do that anytime, but y’all, that mother had toted my book all the way from California! No, not for my signing,

Hello folks, let’s chat…Over the years here at All Things Southern I’ve fielded my share of grumpy reviews and hateful emails from people who aren’t from around here. If they’re really ugly it can be hard pass and repass, that’s Mama’s way of saying, “live and let live”, but I try. Other times, it’s easy to laugh ‘em off. For example, when we both know

Hello folks, let’s chat…As I’m sure you’ve heard, research has proven that women speak twice as many words in a day as their men do. That little fact has been well documented in the news and my own personal experience attests to it. Actually, I’m pretty sure my darling husband doesn’t even use his full male quota. He’s truly a man of few words. Phil

Hey y’all and Happy Memorial Day Weekend to everyone.  I wanted to drop in and let you know that ATS LIVE will be airing a rerun Monday evening. I’ll really miss being with y’all, but it’s the right choice. Monday will find me here in Lake Providence with friends and family. We’ll grill, eat, play, and swap stories but only after we’ve joined the community for our town’s

Hello folks, let’s chat…I like to laugh. I look for things to make me laugh. Fortunately for me, I present myself with plenty of opportunities during the day at my own expense because, as it has been so often noted, “I ain’t right.” I’ve also been blessed with strong powers of observation. Which translated simply means I like to eavesdrop, only that doesn’t sound near

Hello folks, let's chat…My birthday has me thinking about the aging process, but not in a I-should-have-face-freezing-surgery sort of way. And that’s not because they’re saying 50 is the new 30. That sounds like Common Core or something. Besides, if 50 is the new 30, at 53 I’d be 33 and raising teenagers again. I’m going with thank you but no thank you on revisiting