•  latest chat (Page 5)

Hey folks! This is the transcript of this week's podcast. The audio file is here and it's found again at the bottom of this page. Of course, you can also subscribe for FREE at iTunes. I hope you enjoy! Welcome, y’all. Shellie here, in this week’s episode I’ll be chatting with Shontell Brewer about how moms can embrace the Mission Field that is right under their

Welcome, y’all. This is Shellie and I’ll be chatting with Carolanne Miljavic in this week’s episode to discuss her new debut book, Oddly Enough! Carolanne describes herself as a southern raised, Jesus saved, barely sane author, speaker, social media goofball, wife, and mom of 3 daughters. She says, “Grief taught her gratitude, pain gave her purpose, and loss revealed true love.” Join us for a

Welcome, y’all. This is Shellie and I’ll be chatting with Wendy Pope in this week’s episode. Wendy is a speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries and a contributor to their P31 online devotional that reaches over one million readers a day. Wendy will be here to talk to us about her new book, Yes, No, and Maybe. The subtitle, y’all—Living with the God of Immeasurably More. Longtime readers

Hey y'all! I spoke at the BATTLE conference in West Monroe, LA recently with a host of Jesus loving women.Miss Kay Robertson wasn't able to join us for this pic but she was on the program for the big day, and the crowd just adored her message that was filled with wisdom and humor! I’ll be sharing a recording of the message I brought a little

This is Shellie, AKA Belle of All Things Southern, helping hungry hearts feast on Jesus through humor & storytelling, and it’s a blessing to have you drop by. The men are still busy harvesting and I’m here in the office where I’ve prepared a fun show for y’all. Author and host of the popular website eatathometonight.com Tiffany King will join me in a bit to talk about

Welcome back to All Things Southern y’all. School bells are ringing in these parts. I imagine they are in your corner of the world, too. Which means, of course, that the lazy days of summer have come and gone. Not that there were that many of them, but it’s all good. There’s always something to celebrate. Like Fall’s Spice Tea—I’m sipping on a cup now,

Hey y’all! A new podcast is up! You can find the link to listen at the bottom of this blog post. And/or you can subscribe for free on iTunes. For those of you who prefer reading your ATS news instead of listening, I've transcribed a bit of the show for you below and shared a few pictures ripped straight from the headlines. I hope you'll enjoy

Hey y’all! A new podcast is up! You can find the link to listen at the bottom of this blog post. And/or you can subscribe for free on iTunes. I know, however, that some of y'all are having trouble following the transition, so I've tried to transcribe most of it for you here