Finding a Deep and Wide Christmas Advent – Dec. 14th

We’re two weeks into December, and despite our sincere intentions, there’s a chance you and I have already lost the Christmas spirit once, if not a couple times. Am I right? If that’s you, let’s ask forgiveness and train our eyes back on Jesus! His company will be our reward!

Being all too aware of how often we fall short of holy, it’s hard for us to believe we can dwell with God all day every day, and in His favor no less. But we must remind ourselves of this truth because if we aren’t convinced that we’re being cleansed, just as we have been cleansed, the enemy will continue to cheat us of the joy of walking in friendship with Jesus on this side of Heaven. Truth says we live in God’s favor through our faith in Christ’s finished work, and we can’t hear that often enough. ~excerpted from Finding Deep and Wide, releasing January 2020

But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

[bctt tweet=”Until we’re convinced we’re being cleansed as surely as we’ve been cleansed, the enemy will cheat us of the joy of walking with Jesus this side of Heaven. #findingdeepandwide” username=”shelliet”]