Finding Deep and Wide Advent – Dec. 15th

Pause and reach for the marvelous opportunity that is ours to walk with the God of the whole universe today. Through Christ Jesus, we can come before Him without intricate steps, fancy prayer words, or prescribed formulas. That’s the Gospel. That’s the good news.

Whether or not we build our lives into a home where God is welcomed and His Presence enjoyed will depend on whether we voluntarily lay the building blocks of our lives before Him. Believers who never experience the intimate friendship with God provided by Jesus have failed to understand such relationship isn’t a given or a duty, but a privilege. We don’t have to build our lives into a sanctuary…We get to…~excerpted from Finding Deep and Wide, releasing January 2020

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29).

[bctt tweet=”Whether or not we build our lives into a home where God is welcomed and His Presence enjoyed will depend on whether we voluntarily lay the building blocks of our lives before Him. #findingdeepandwide” username=”shelliet”]