Finding a Deep and Wide Christmas Advent – Dec. 8th

I need Jesus. You do, too. The truth is, our best intentions to fix our eyes on Jesus and walk through Christmas worshipping Him instead of getting ambushed by the demands of the holiday will fail us without His holy help. Call to Him with me. #911 Jesus, we need you!

As I’ve confessed, I’m not beyond getting stuck in the muck of me, but I’ve found that when I live asking the Holy Spirit to alert me to my wrong thinking, He is faithful to do precisely that, and those times are growing fewer and further apart. He’ll do this for you, too. The Spirit of God is ever willing to blow on the fire He started in our hearts, but we must quit trying to stir our lagging passion by working up repentance or charting our obedience. One of the greatest discoveries of our believing lives is when we realize the hope for our passionless, disjointed, hit-and-miss faith is found in the same One Who gave us the first measure!  ~excerpted from Finding Deep and Wide, releasing January 2020

Teach me your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever (Psalm 86:11-12).

[bctt tweet=”One of the greatest discoveries of our believing lives is when we realize the hope for our passionless, disjointed, hit-and-miss faith is found in the same One who gave us the first measure! #findingdeepandwide” username=”shelliet”]