Finding a Deep and Wide Christmas Advent – Dec. 9th

Trying to create a wonderful Christmas for someone else wearies the best of us. It’s also as futile as trying to earn God’s love when we already have it. This season is ours to enjoy, but we can miss it while we work for it! Let’s fire ourselves from the impossible job of making Christmas happen and let Jesus rule the day.

There’s no comparison between that life of striving and the one where we trust Jesus to deliver us from the power of sin the same way He delivered us from its guilt! It’s why I ask Him to boss me. We’re free from striving when He is governing. And far from living a narrow life of do’s and don’ts, dying to live leaves us standing in the deep and wide expanse of His love. ~excerpted from Finding Deep and Wide, releasing January 2020

Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a broad place (Psalm 118:5).   

[bctt tweet=”Far from living a narrow life of dos and don’ts, dying to live leaves us standing in the deep and wide expanse of His love. #findingdeepandwide” username=”shelliet”]