Hugo’s Famous Salad Dressing!
Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. I’ve got a very special recipe to share with y’all today, Hugo’s Famous Salad Dressing. Hugo was a fine Italian gentleman who used to run a restaurant in our home town, Lake Providence, LA. Hugo’s salad had a reputation all its own and today, and it was all due to his famous Famous Salad Dressing. That’s what I’m here to share with y’all. I found it in my late mother-in-law’s cookbook. How she got the secret out of Hugo, is anybody’s guess, but that’s another story. Let’s get cooking, or mixing as is the plan today!
“Hugo’s Famous Salad Dressing”
3 ounces garlic oil
3 ounces brown apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons capers
1 tablespoon crushed oregano
1 tablespoon crushed black pepper
1/2 tablespoon salt
Folks, we’ll begin by washing our lettuce and setting it aside. Then we’ll take three ounces each of garlic oil and apple cider vinegar and combine ’em in a glass jar with a tight lid. Note: You simply must use olive oil. If you can’t find it on your grocery shelf, I’d recommend mincing several garlic cloves into a jar of olive oil and letting it marinate for a few days! I snapped a pic of the olive oil I’ve been using that is delicious times two!
Once we force our oil and vinegar to mix and mingle by shaking ’em up really good, we’ll add two tablespoons of capers, one tablespoon each of crushed oregano and black pepper and a 1/2 tablespoon of salt.
Mix this all up really well and drizzle it generously over fresh lettuce. Top with green and black olives and a cubed tomato. Now, to be clear, that is Hugo’s Famous Salad Dressing. I like to add my own variations to the salad itself, like, like boiling a couple eggs to dice over it, adding homemade croutons, shredded parmesan, etc. I hope y’all enjoy Hugo’s Famous Salad Dressing! It’s good eating, from All Things Southern and the kitchen of the late Hugo Morara to yours!
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Laura Hair Beauman
Thank you so much for sharing one of my favorite salad dressing recipes. Loved the “Wop Salad” at Hugo’s . The only problem I heard with the recipe is the danger of the oil sitting out with the garlic. I wonder if you could leave it out of the refrigerator for 24 hrs and then refrigerate? They also topped the salad with anchovies , which I don’t care for but they did add a good flavor to the salad.
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Hi Laura! I’m not sure about the sitting it out question. I always use it and immediately refrigerate it. 🙂 As for those anchovies, not at our house! 🙂 But, yes, I understand that others loved them! Thx for being by All Things Southern today.
Sandy Towles
Hugo was married to my moms cousin. I have such great memories of going to eat at the restaurant. Loved that each dining area was defined by the wall color! Thanks for sharing this recipe.
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Small world, Sandy 🙂 It’s nice to “meet” you here and I’m glad you enjoyed this sweet throwback to our beloved Hugo. He was a fixture in this town!
Bill Johnson
It was great to see this recipe ( Hugo’s dressing) published. When I was growing up, Hugo’s was a favorite of my fathers. He would take us kids to Hugo’s all the time. Remember the filet’s, the onion rings, the salad, the old songs on the jute box, Hugo playing the horn, Miss Ruby? We were probably 10 to 12 years old. Would go with my father, have a great time and even at our young age would have one (and only one) of Hugo’s famous Brandy Ice. No one cared.
After my father passed away we all continued to go there for years until Hugo transferred ownership or whatever to another.
Man those were good times.
Thanks Shellie, You brought back to me many good memories, and I will try to replicate this fantastic dressing at once.
Kim Stroud Dennis
Shut yo mouth!! Now all we need is the spaghetti sauce recipe!!!
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Hmmm…I’ll look through Lucy’s recipes and see if she snagged that one! 🙂