Legal Eagles

I have a good friend who practices law. I remember once asking him if he minded my sharing the occasional lawyer joke. He said he didn’t mind at all, that he and his fellow lawyer buddies didn’t tell the jokes, but sometimes they had to laugh at the better ones. Personally, I think their fine sense of humor can be attributed to the fact that they get the last laugh whenever we find ourselves in need of their services. I’m wondering if they’ll enjoy this one. Today’s chuckle comes to us by way of a porcher living up in Washington, D.C.

Barry’s a good guy and he seems to be a wealth of information. I haven’t checked his statistics, so please don’t sue me, but Barry says there is one lawyer for every twenty-two people in Washington, D.C. If that’s true, and remember I’m just repeating Barry, we’re talking about a lot of legal eagles. It would seem like there wouldn’t be enough work to go around, doesn’t it? When I mentioned that to Barry he explained that they’re getting better and better at recognizing their work opportunities. Surprisingly enough, he went on to give me a story for illustration. I’ll let y’all decided how much truth there is to it!

One day Barry was having lunch with a friend at one of those little outdoor restaurants when they witnessed a fender bender. A fancy car ran a red light on the corner right in front of them and clipped an SUV headed the wrong way down the one way street. Just that fast, a well-dressed man at the table next to Barry closed his laptop, jumped up, met the two drivers before they got of their vehicles good and introduced himself as an attorney at law.

“Gentleman,” the man said. “I saw the whole thing. And for the record, I’m willing to take either side.”
