Carlisle Weighs Her Options

Hello folks, let’s chat… One of my cousins left me the following story on Facebook. After serving fish sticks to his granddaughter, she asked him in all seriousness if fish sticks were made of chicken.

“Excuse me,” he said.

“Are fish sticks made of chicken?” she repeated.

Her grandfather encouraged her to stop and think about what she was saying. “I am,” she said. “Are fish sticks made of…Oh.”

Oh, indeed. You’ve got to love it. I have a fully grown relative who is still asking those sorts of questions and she is way past old enough to know better. And no, I will not name names. You’ll have to get with the NSA for that scoop. carlisle

But while we’re in the Kids Say the Darndest Things File, my own granddaughter served up a self-preservation funny recently that I’ve been looking forward to sharing with y’all.

Carlisle is almost three and she’s been potty trained for a long time. However, as kids will do, occasionally she gets too busy playing and waits too long, and well, there you go. Pun intended.

Her doting grandmother understands that accidents happen. Her parents do too, but they’re tasked with helping her remember.

It happened as we were washing up the supper dishes. Carlisle wandered through the kitchen wearing a different set of pants than those she had arrived in. Her parents exchanged glances. They knew Carlisle had found the extra set of little girl’s clothes in the laundry room and they knew why she had pulled a switcheroo. What none of us expected was the wisdom Carlisle would use to skirt the issue.

My son stopped his little one in her tracks. “Carlisle Mae,” he said. “Did you change clothes?”

Carlisle’s attempt to disarm her daddy with a cheesy grin was unsuccessful. The clock was ticking.

“Carlisle,” Philip repeated. “Did you wet your pants?”

Carlisle’s reply was well thought out for one so young. It didn’t permanently put off her moment of reckoning but every one of us had to turn around and compose ourselves when little Carlisle said…


Hugs, Shellie

P.S. Dear friends, please keep in mind that we’re in the middle of our 30 Days of Thankfulness water drive. I’m thrilled to report that we are over $2,200 but we have a ways to go to BE the miracle we want to be this season. If you haven’t given your $10, please consider reading about the drive here and making your donation here. This year the site allows you to use a credit card or draft your bank account. As always, you may also mail your donation to me at 610 Schneider Lane, Lake Providence, LA 71254. Afterwards– share, share, and share alike. 🙂 THANK YOU!