Pumpkin Finery Ideas from My House to Yours

Hey y’all! I remember sharing this idea last year, but since I can’t find a picture or post to prove it, (isn’t that par?), and since it takes minimal time to yield maximum charm (who doesn’t love that combo?), I decided a redo was in order!

Last year I did several large pumpkins and gours of different colors, but this is what I had on hand, so last night I just dressed up a few smaller guys for the entrance table that sits outside my carport door.

All you’ll need to do to get a similar look is to make a trip by the sewing department of your local big box for upholstery studs, drapery trim, and pretty do-dads. Pick up whatever shiny thing grabs your fancy and plan a short sit down with your own produce! No need to bother with glue. Just dress your collection in their new finery and pin ’em on. Voila!

Happy pinning!


   Feel free to share your minimum effort/maximum charm ideas~