•  Posts tagged "Jesus" (Page 12)

When it comes to trimming the shrubs and trees around our home, Phil and I have vastly different ideas on when to say when. Phil takes pruning to the extreme. I can almost hear the foliage begin to whimper whenever the man picks up yard clippers. I would tell you that Phil is a more is more type of pruner. Phil thinks I am anti-pruning,

I always wake up depleted after a Searching Dream. That’s what I’ve taken to calling the nightly dramas I have so often, Searching Dreams. It’s almost impossible to explain them to a second party, but I think I’m supposed to try. My searching dreams always have a destination I urgently need to reach— only I’m unable to make any forward progress because the setting and the

Today’s story is yet another from the Christmas holidays. I can’t help it. I stack up more stories than there is time to tell ‘em. At this rate, I should be opining on Valentine’s Day by Easter weekend. I have a nutcracker collection that inhabits my dining room during the holidays. Gathered in groups on the dinner table, the side board, occasional table and china buffet,

Everything comes in pairs with my granddaughters, Emerson and Carlisle, A.K.A, The ATS Bellerina Czars. And I do mean everything. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. We’ve all seen younger siblings imitate their older sisters and brothers but Carlisle Mae takes the age-old game to a whole new level. If four-year-old Emerson Ann is doing it, two year-old Carlisle Mae is going to try it