•  Posts tagged "Jesus" (Page 6)

“Stay in your lane and don’t drop the baton.”  Those words echoed in my head as I prepared for my first high school track relay. Memory doesn’t serve me on why the fourth member of the relay team was missing, but I do recall the feeling of being a freshman and teaming up with three experienced seniors. And, yes, newbie here dropped the baton. Thanks

Hey y'all, I'm in a full out run of preparation. I'll be leaving for Guatemala this coming Monday, part of a Compassion Int'l mission trip. Amidst all the packing and double checking of the packing, I've turned my kitchen into an assembly line to put good food in the freezer for my beloved farmer to enjoy while I'm away. It's what you do when you were raised by a good Southern

I share an ongoing group text with my husband, our two grown children, and our beloved young in-laws who married those sweet kids of ours. I’m sure y’all are involved in your own group threads. We use ours to communicate important information like who was a rock star at soccer practice, who learned to go potty, and who has a loose tooth. As of this

One evening, during the lovely chaos of this past Christmas season, I found my firstborn grandchild sitting alone with tears running down her precious little face. When my grands cry, my heart melts. I have identified this as one of the laws of motion that Sir Newton overlooked.  The poor man could only come up with three? Please. I have tons. Like, a grandchild’s body that

Ah…the interesting universe of Hollywood and the mega rich. There are many things celebrities do, say, and wear that I find off putting, to say the least. But there are other things about their world that strike me as strange, or funny. Or both. For the sake of today’s discussion, I’d like to explore their red carpet moments and the odd habit they-- and the

Angry, frustrated, hurt, sad, misunderstood, depressed, discouraged, used Choose one word from that list above that describes a negative emotion feel right now or one you've experienced in the last twenty-four hours and fill in the following blank. I feel so __________. (Okay, I'll go first, my most recent blank would read frustrated.) Perhaps you're already over your _____________ feeling. Maybe it's still with you. Either way, I