You’re Invited to join the Finding Deep and Wide Launch Team! (With perks!)

Merry Christmas, dear readers! I’m simply beside myself, so brace yourself for some full out giddiness!  After what seems like an eternity since I began writing it, and after more travail, praying, dark chocolate, and coffee than I could measure, boxes of my next book baby arrived at my home office today. YES! I’ve got a copy of Finding Deep and Wide right here with me and I’m alternating between tears and giggles.

I actually opened the box on Facebook LIVE earlier — before I had even seen them for myself. Which is kinda scary, because if something had not been right with the cover, I would’ve been sorely disappointed right there in front of God and everybody!  (One day I’m gonna learn that whole looking before you leap thing!) But, thank the good Lord, they were, they are, beautiful, so instead I promptly started ugly crying and had to close the video. LOL!  Once, I composed myself, I tried again, this time reading the acknowledgements because I felt so strongly that they needed to be out there early! You can find those videos on my Facebook and Instagram threads, should you care to see them. Right now, I’ll get on to my reason for stopping to write to y’all without taking too much more of your valuable time!

We’re officially opening the Finding Deep and Wide Launch Team on my social accounts for those who want to help be a part of sharing the message of Finding Deep and Wide with the world. Just what is the message? I’m so glad you asked. You can read the back copy and an excerpt on Amazon, but here’s my personal summation:  So many of us grew up singing a little song called Deep and Wide, only to stop short of actually discovering this over flowing fountain promised to believers, because life comes at us full steam and it’s hard– even when it’s good. Can I get an amen? And yet, that offer stands because it’s Biblical! Finding Deep and Wide is about learning how to respond to God’s intense love for us to know Him, and my hope is that you will find it full of helpful tools to learn how to return that love and experience the promise!

All that said, because there are PERKS (yay for perks!) for joining the launch team, I wanted to invite all of you personally, beyond sharing on my social accounts as a way of saying THANK YOU for being a part of this community. You can use this link to access all the information.  I hope you’ll join me!

Merry Christmas Hugs,

P.S Isn’t the new web design beautiful? It was born of much hard work by my uber talented web designing daughter at Feel free to wander around and check it out! I love it!