•  2020 (Page 3)

Hey y’all! It took a few days, but the beloved farmer and I have officially marked ourselves safe from Pops and Keggie Kamp 2020.       That’s a joke, people. Kinda. In the interest of transparency, while Kamp was huge fun for all involved, it does require a herculean amount of energy. At least for the two more mature Kampers. The grands? Oh, please. Apart from that one

I’ve been mostly social silent online since George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent peaceful protests and violent looting and rioting rocking our nation. My silence hasn’t come out of fear, intimidation, or because I don’t have things to say. Like everyone else, I have extremely strong opinions, but I’ve been keeping them to myself because I’m trying to hear what God is saying and I

Hello folks, let’s chat…I’m just dropping in to check on y’all. And, of course, to keep you abreast on all the straight running crazy news out there. Let’s jump right in with some local madness. Somewhere in Louisiana the police are on the lookout for, “an aggressive chicken.” That’s an actual quote from a news bulletin. The suspect has gone, um, a foul of the law

Sourdough Starter and Friendship Bread Basics The first thing you need to know is that I’m a newbie when it comes to bread making. As I said in another post. I haven’t made bread before because…grocery stores. But one of the things I’ve been challenging myself with during our sheltering in place season has been trying to new things, things that seemed daunting, things I wouldn’t

Hey folks, let’s chat…How’s it going? It’s a gorgeous day here in northeast Louisiana as I sit here writing to you from the back porch, albeit a tad chilly. (Here’s a screen shot, and I mean that literally. If the picture is fuzzy, blame it on said screen.) We always have a cold snap around Easter and this year is no different. The beloved farmer