If ever we needed to celebrate the Light of the World coming into our darkness, it’s Christmas 2020! Right? What’s that? I’m having a hard time hearing you over the amen corner. I get it! I know people who decked their walls in October and double dog dared anyone to part their lips in judgement. But seriously, we may sense how sorely we need Christmas this
Why You Should Care About Big Tech Censorship and Media Bias Regardless of Your Party Affiliation
This letter is not addressed to the social revolutionaries behind much of our nation’s unrest. Yes, they're among us and their motivation isn't new. It can be found by any number of names throughout the history of civilization. Their goal is to concentrate power so they can rule unchallenged. They want us to be so fearful of X, Y, or Z that we surrender our personal
Trimming Turkeys and an Advent Annoucement
Hey friends! I write to you from the back porch on an absolutely beautiful Fall day. One could almost believe we’re not being slammed by another round of Corona Crazy and our nation isn’t divided over the legitimacy or lack thereof of our Presidential election. And yet, this is where we are. I could say so much right here, but I want it to be
A Grand Plan for our 30 Days of Thankfulness Drive! Will you join us?
*Just WOW! Y'all are incredible! Please note the update at the bottom of the post, and THANK YOU!* Welcome to our annual 30 Days of Thankfulness Drive. If you've participated in the past you know our goal is to come together as a community to live out our gratitude as we head into the holidays, instead of merely expressing it with memes and quotes. For close to
Dockside Dramas and How Jesus Makes You More
Hey friends! I hope this finds you and yours well. I know it finds you well-loved, the Word of God assures me of that great news. So, let’s chat… I still hate spiders. Yeah, I thought I’d get that out there. I’ll probably regret it because it’s likely to start up another round of “funny” spider memes and pranks from my friends out there, but I have
A Brief Bible Study with Shellie
Jesus Makes You More (Click to Open Printable Copy) If you long to know Jesus better and love Him more, this devotional is for you. If you’re a believer who is willing to admit that you can still fall short while you’re following, this short Bible study will be an encouragement to you. It has the potential to fill you to overflowing with gratitude and fresh amazement
A Record of God’s Presence in the Furnace
An offering from my journal because I process best when I document
Hey friends! Don’t be confused and don’t go anywhere, please. You’re in the right place! I’m in the midst of rebranding. Pretty soon you won’t see the words All Things Southern on my podcast title, (or at the website!) I just thought I’d leave them for a little while longer while we make the transition. So, why the name change? It’s simple really. While it’s hard
Grilled Veggie Soup (Inspired by Newk’s) and MawMaw’s Oyster Crackers!
The inspiration for this soup goes to Newk's Eatery. I recently fell in love with their Grilled Veggie Soup and simply had to try and replicate it at home. I started by googling for the actual recipe, which can sometimes work. Alas. Not this time. Perhaps it was my research skills, but I came up dry. I found a ton of veggie recipes, but not
Are you a self-soother?
Hank and his lovies are moving me in early morning prayers