•  Articles posted by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson (Page 14)

Hello folks, let’s chat…I’m just dropping in to check on y’all. And, of course, to keep you abreast on all the straight running crazy news out there. Let’s jump right in with some local madness. Somewhere in Louisiana the police are on the lookout for, “an aggressive chicken.” That’s an actual quote from a news bulletin. The suspect has gone, um, a foul of the law

Sourdough Starter and Friendship Bread Basics The first thing you need to know is that I’m a newbie when it comes to bread making. As I said in another post. I haven’t made bread before because…grocery stores. But one of the things I’ve been challenging myself with during our sheltering in place season has been trying to new things, things that seemed daunting, things I wouldn’t

Hey folks, let’s chat…How’s it going? It’s a gorgeous day here in northeast Louisiana as I sit here writing to you from the back porch, albeit a tad chilly. (Here’s a screen shot, and I mean that literally. If the picture is fuzzy, blame it on said screen.) We always have a cold snap around Easter and this year is no different. The beloved farmer

Hello friends, Papa had a birthday last weekend. He’s 81 years young. We celebrated him well. And yes, we had more than ten people in the house. But, if you’ll remember, the limit for gatherings was 50 at the time. Things are changing quickly aren’t they. I know it can be unsettling. I’m praying for you. I’m also praying for ways to reach more and more people

Hey friends! I’m so happy to share this! I wanted to offer some daily words of inspiration to y’all in this crazy time so I reached out to Barbour Publishing. They’re such good people! They agreed to partner with me and give away free digital copies of my devotional for a full week! I've got some more thoughts on the Corononavirus (doesn't everyone?), so I may