•  Articles posted by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson (Page 17)

Enjoy the season. Give and receive with joy. But keep in mind even must-have gifts eventually lose their appeal and sought-after experiences fall short of expectations. There’s only One who will always be more than we are longing for—His name is Jesus.   With Jesus, there are no diminishing returns; just divine, compelling answers to our deepest desires to know and be known. He satiates our soul

Merry Christmas, dear readers! I'm simply beside myself, so brace yourself for some full out giddiness!  After what seems like an eternity since I began writing it, and after more travail, praying, dark chocolate, and coffee than I could measure, boxes of my next book baby arrived at my home office today. YES! I've got a copy of Finding Deep and Wide right here with

There is more hope available to us today. There is more peace, more comfort, more joy, more of everything we need. God is at hand, offering more of Himself than any of us have experienced. Let’s reach for Him.       God’s invitation is so much bigger than mere rescue because life is God’s idea and He wants to experience it with us. You and I were

  What is sustaining you this Christmas? And I’m not talking about coffee and chocolate versus smoothies and kale. (I know where I fall on that one!) This is a reminder that what we’re depending on or Who we’re drawing from is obvious to those around us.   It’s called a food chain. We’ve heard of them, but do we realize we’re passing on what we’re feeding on?

Trying to create a wonderful Christmas for someone else wearies the best of us. It’s also as futile as trying to earn God’s love when we already have it. This season is ours to enjoy, but we can miss it while we work for it! Let’s fire ourselves from the impossible job of making Christmas happen and let Jesus rule the day. There’s no comparison between

I need Jesus. You do, too. The truth is, our best intentions to fix our eyes on Jesus and walk through Christmas worshipping Him instead of getting ambushed by the demands of the holiday will fail us without His holy help. Call to Him with me. #911 Jesus, we need you! As I’ve confessed, I’m not beyond getting stuck in the muck of me, but I’ve

We don’t have to participate in the Crazy Christmas Countdown. We can enjoy this day instead of seeing it as one less opportunity to get everything done. Here’s an idea: Let’s ask God to be God to us today. The very idea brings my blood pressure down, and it’s not even mine. It’s His! Over and over in the Scriptures, God expresses His intention to be

Here’s a challenge for us all. Let’s expect God today to reveal Himself to us. Wherever we are and whatever task we’re marking off the Christmas list, let’s remind ourselves that God is near, ask Him to speak, and listen. I believe you and I experience God in our daily lives to the degree that we desire and expect to experience God. Our relationship with Him

Believer, beware. It’s possible to get so caught up doing Christmas that we resort to coasting on the leftovers of our last devotional or worship service. Whether that be a conscious or unintentional decision, we’ll be weaker for it.   Have you settled somewhere between coming to Jesus for eternal life and continuing to come to Him for abundant life? You’re not alone, and that’s not a

We can have so much more than a meaningful Christmas. Jesus can form Himself in the Bethlehem of our hearts as surely as He grew up in the ancient city if we’ll own our complacency and ask God to turn it into holy hunger.   We are pilgrims, designed for more. In Him we can be satisfied without being settled, loved without being lazy, rest while ever reaching.