They Want to Brand Her!
"They want to brand me," my friend said. Be at peace, y'all. It's not as ominous as it sounds. My friend Joneal and I were talking business and all things Jesus when the conversation turned to branding. Dr. Joneal Kirby is the creator and director of a mentoring ministry for women called, Heart to Home. I'll be mentioning her name more in the coming months as
Shellie’s Chicken Salad Pot Pie
Hello folks, and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen! So, here's the deal-- I'm not a big potpie fan. I mean, I'll eat it but it's not my favorite. On the other hand, I do like the concept of a potpie and I am a huge chicken salad fan
Southern Mamas Opine on the Call Home App
Hello folks, let's chat
Everybody Puts Their Drawers on the Same Way
Hello folks, let's chat
Fall’s Favorite Spice Tea
Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. We southerners have learned to be flexible about what constitutes a new season. If the calendar says it's fall, by golly, it's fall! Long before our stubborn trees give up a leaf and regardless of whether we need shorts or sweaters, we take our make-the-best-of-it upbringing and deem that the season has arrived. We'll pull out our
Beware the Stealthy Fog
A light fog blanketing the landscape can be calming to the soul. Sitting on my back porch, for instance, talking to the Good Lord while the early morning is trying to slip out of its thin pale robe. That's a nice prescription for peace. There are other times when fog is less appreciated, say when you're driving, or how about when it begins to roll up
A Heart Wide Open Christmas
Welcome! If you've landed here without a clue as to what's going on, you can read all about A Heart Wide Open Christmas here. For those of you ready to kick off our journey together, I'm about to bust to get started, but first a reminder. Beginning tomorrow morning, our Advent Invitation will blog hop! Here's the breakdown. Tricia Goyer will have December 1st-5th, Dr. Joneal
Why I Avoid Pretension At All Costs
Hello folks, let's chat
Simplest Cathead Biscuits Ever
Hello folks, and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. So, the other evening, I posted a picture of my big, fluffy cathead biscuits on social media. Mama had taught me how to make scratch biscuits eons ago and I was wondering if it was a dying art or if most of my readers knew how to make biscuits. And you know what? I