Catching Up with Keggie

Keggie is my grandmother name. I’m sure I’ve told y’all that, but I added it there in the title because I’ve noticed more and more people who aren’t family calling me, “Keggie”. And for the record, I’m good with that. Feel free to call me Keggie when you write in, and I’ll consider you family, too!

So, I’ve been meaning to write and fill you in on all the latest around here, but I declare, time seems to be on warp speed. I thought it might, just might, slow down a tad when I got off the road for the summer, but that hasn’t happened! When I realized we were looking at July, I decided to stop on a dime and say, “Hi!” I hope things are good in your corner of the world. If not, please remember that I count it a privilege to pray for you. Drop me a note with as much or as little of the concern as you want to share, and I promise I’ll join you in prayer. Speaking of talking to the Good Lord, summer also means my early mornings start like this. Few things in my life beat morning prayers on the kayak! 

We’re in the growing season on the farm and that means the men are all busy watering. Fresh corn is coming off, so I’m about to start putting the golden stuff up in the freezer. Corn is about the only produce I still put up for later. In our earlier years of married life we had a big garden, but not anymore. My raised beds are giving us plenty of fresh okra, tomatoes, peppers, squash and eggplant. It’s enough for us, and enough to gift to neighbors, but not quite enough to can and freeze, and that suits me just fine. (smile) Besides, I’m getting ready for Kamp!

Yep! The 8th Annual Pops and Keggie Kamp is upon me, followed by the Fourth of July celebration.

That may be another reason why I’m writing now. I’ll need to recover once the grands come and go because we’re going to have a big time while they’re here. That’s a fact! We put up a volleyball net in the backyard and we’ve already exhausted ourselves playing with the intown family. Someone has tried to recapture her volleyball skills but she keeps coming down on the way up! What’s that about? I’ll share Kamp pics on my socials for anyone interested, but I get it if you pass on them. They’ll mostly be for me to “catalog” the goodness.

We just wrapped up VBS at our church last week. Here’s a picture of my bestie and my sweet daughter-in-law/friend one evening. “There’s no tired like VBS tired”, but I love the people I get to serve with to the moon and beyond!

And in one of the most precious VBS moments ever, my dad, we call him Papa, came and passed out Bibles to the little kids. Papa is devoted to his work as a Gideon, and seeing him get to do what he loves makes my eyes leak. 

That would be true anytime, but yesterday I had him and the Queen at the cardiologist office. We scheduled the procedure for him to have his defibrillator replaced. Papa wore the thing out. (smile). I’d appreciate your prayers for him!


Let’s see, in other news, I just released a wee little ebook, How to Have a Hundredfold Life! 

Why this now? Because…the publishing wheels turn ever so slowly and both my heart and my laptop are full of messages I want to share with you. Because… I’m working on a completely different full length manuscript and I don’t know when I’ll write on this subject. And because I believe this short written talk can help you discover the deep goodness of God’s Word, and if this goes well, I may put out more of these baby books. So, do let me hear from you if you find it helpful, and please tag anyone you think would be interested. You can get it here. 

If you get it, and IF you enjoy it, please leave a review there on Amazon. Most people are unaware of the power of their book reviews without someone telling them, but you can literally be a part of sharing the gospel and spreading the good news by simply writing a short review, because reviews tell the algorithm to share the book with other people that are lost and searching… and broken people are so searching for meaning and hope! The length of the review is not important. It can be a sentence or two and you don’t have to finish the book to write one. 

It is SO awkward to make this type of request, but eternity is forever and people need Jesus, so I will do it. Thank you! Until next time…

Hugs, Shellie