Dockside Dramas and How Jesus Makes You More
Hey friends! I hope this finds you and yours well. I know it finds you well-loved, the Word of God assures me of that great news. So, let’s chat… I still hate spiders. Yeah, I thought I’d get that out there. I’ll probably regret it because it’s likely to start up another round of “funny” spider memes and pranks from my friends out there, but I have
A Record of God’s Presence in the Furnace
An offering from my journal because I process best when I document
Hey friends! Don’t be confused and don’t go anywhere, please. You’re in the right place! I’m in the midst of rebranding. Pretty soon you won’t see the words All Things Southern on my podcast title, (or at the website!) I just thought I’d leave them for a little while longer while we make the transition. So, why the name change? It’s simple really. While it’s hard
Are you a self-soother?
Hank and his lovies are moving me in early morning prayers
Breathe, it’s highly recommended :)
Happy Monday, y'all! I wanted to take time for a quick visit. Hopefully, if I've caught you at a bad time, you can just leave me in your inbox and circle back. :) It'll wait, as they say. Life is full steam ahead here. How about a short recap? Last week my oldest sister and her family moved back to our hometown from Arkansas. She and
Eggplant Parmesan Please
Our sweet garden is doing everything it can to keep producing in this Louisiana summer heat. Color me grateful. I dearly love walking steps from my back door, and getting what I need for the start of a fabulous dinner, like these beauties. I call this "When Produce Wants to Pose". Last night these beauties made it into a delicious Eggplant Parmesan. If you don't have
Shut Yo Mouth Shrimp Boil
Our sweet neighbor gifted us with some fresh Gulf shrimp yesterday, which means, the man and I did some good eating today! And, of course, I thought of y'all. I mean, I'm sure y'all know how to whip up a shrimp boil that will knock your socks off, right? That's what I thought, too. But, just in case, here are the steps that will take
Fabulous Fried Rice
The farmer and I love fried rice but we rarely have it. For starters, we don't have a Chinese restaurant in our small town, and until recently, I've never cooked it at home. But, I do love learning new things, so I set out to mimic the fried rice dishes the beloved farmer and I have always enjoyed. And if I must say so myself,
A Whole Lot of Fun and a Little Bit of Folly
Hey friends, let’s chat…Y'all are on my mind so much these days. I find myself wondering how y'all are doing, how your families are doing, whether y'all are sick with Covid or sick of Covid. I wonder if y'all are reeling from the news, limiting your consumption of the news, or making news. 2020 has left us all breathless, amen? I'll talk more about current
Color Us Accountable
I snapped this picture the other day of Beaux and Hank monitoring the backyard. I've tried to tell the boys that the fishermen aren't a threat to us but my suspicious canines aren't buying. Bless their overzealous hearts. Still, their diligence to stand guard is a great illustration of a scriptural truth I want us to look at today. Hebrews 12:15 reads, "Looking diligently lest any