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The week between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favorite stretches of time. It’s like the best pause ever, offering anticipation without expectation, space to plan without the pressure of a to-do list. It’s my custom to spend the week leaning in and listening to Jesus direct me concerning the projects stirring in my heart for the year ahead. I was unable to

Christmas Greetings to you and yours! I hope this finds you well, and I pray it finds you worshipping. It's my ongoing experience that unless we are intentional about guarding our faith throughout the Advent season, the activity surrounding it can steal the present tense joy of the greatest gift of all-- Immanuel, God with Us! Let's be careful not to let it happen.  Our grown

Happy Thanksgiving, friend! Before I type another single word of my own, let's allow the Word of God to speak. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in every thing give thanks! For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thess. 5: 16-18. Amen? Amen! May we all remember that there is always, but always, something to be thankful for! That said,

Happy November to you! I'm smiling as I type those words because the season of gratitude is upon us and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm counting my blessings and naming them one by one. High on my list is the good medicine recommended to us in Proverbs 17:22 -- LAUGHTER! As you've probably heard me say once or ten hundred times if you've

Ken Ken the Baby Friend’s expression has a lot to do with Honey, the all-important stuffy she’s clutching by the throat. The stuffy who was temporarily lost before he was found and led everyone to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Honey won’t always be able to provide the security Kennedy will need. We know this. You do too. We all know she’ll face days that

Happy Thursday afternoon to you! Here in northeast Louisiana we're enjoying an uncharacteristic break in the stifling temps and humidity. It's much appreciated, too!  Although it occurs to me that this revelation will not help to explain my appearance in the accompanying video. Oh, well, I had something on my heart I wanted to say to y'all face to face, or at least as close