Mark Reconsiders His Enemy
It’s been Becky’s turn to run the carpool this week. Yesterday afternoon she picked up her kids and a couple of their friends for the ride home. Her daughter and her best buddy sat in the middle seats of the mini-van, talking excitedly about every aspect of their day. Her son, Mark, and his good friend sat in the very back. Becky said the group
Georgia’s Bad with Numbers
We girls were down at the coffee shop once when a traveler passed through town and pulled in for some caffeine. He was a real friendly fellow, a divorced doctor who was getting ready to retire and move to Florida. We were picking with him about retiring here instead when Georgia Hathcock (whose names have been changed to protect the not so innocent) came in
Instant Operations
My friend Linda had a little surgery yesterday. This morning I called to check on her, and to my surprise, she answered the phone. “Linda,” I said, “Is that you? I didn’t expect you to answer. Where’s John?” “Oh, he’s gone to pick the kids up from his mama’s. It’s okay. I’m on the couch and the portable phone was right here beside me. Besides,
Legal Eagles
I have a good friend who practices law. I remember once asking him if he minded my sharing the occasional lawyer joke. He said he didn’t mind at all, that he and his fellow lawyer buddies didn’t tell the jokes, but sometimes they had to laugh at the better ones. Personally, I think their fine sense of humor can be attributed to the fact that
Sonny Gets His Wings
Several folks have written in asking about Cousin Sonny, who is well known for being so lazy he wouldn’t walk in his sleep. And, what’s worse, Sonny couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it. Personally, I wouldn’t believe the boy if he swore he was lying. But, y’all asked, so I called his folks. I can report that after thirty something years
The High Potentate
One of my good friends has a child who was a hustler from birth! Lukey disappears for months at a time, and then he’ll resurface with his latest scheme. Last week one of my friend’s neighbors came back from vacationing in Washington, telling how they’d run across Lukey right there in the big city. His poor parents like to have keeled over and bought
Battle Royal
I was visiting with the Good Judge yesterday. We’d finished our business at the drugstore and were leaning against his car catching up on the latest when Georgia Hathcock and Sue Ellen Binder wheeled in and parked on both sides of us. The Judge raised his eyebrows at me and grinned at me. “Stop it,” I said. “Don’t you go making matters worse, you old
Ignorance Must Be Relative
Sam and Betty Ann have been married about five years now. That’s about four and a half years longer than most people expected. You would have to know these two to understand. I think Sam and Betty Ann love each other. We all do, but they fight like cats and dogs. They always have, from the moment Sam passed her a note in third grade
Uncle Ham Gets Even
My friend’s uncle is a rancher out in Texas. Uncle Ham’s been well off, but thanks to some wise investments he has slowly amassed a sizeable fortune. Well, the news is out. Lately Uncle Ham’s been contacted by anyone and everyone collecting money for a worthy cause. Last week, someone from the local university, Uncle Ham’s old alma mater, showed up unannounced at his office,
Paulette and the Stock Market
Paulette’s not an accountant, but she could’ve been. The girl is good with numbers. She’s always been something of a human calculator. She’s always found the stock market interesting, too, but for whatever reason, she went to beauty school instead. Paulette will tell you that she has no idea why she did that because hairdressing has very little to do with making money, but don’t