Leighton Nails the Problem
Today’s chuckle is a prime example of something I’ve often told y’all— the best stories are the true ones. This charming little funny came to us through a reader who dropped by the porch from Mangham, Louisiana. That’s just up the road from me a piece. Looking back just now, I was shocked to see that it’s almost ten years since Carol sent it in.
Patience is a Virtue!
It’s hard for my southern friends and I to relate to weather that gets cold and stays cold. Indeed, our hearts have been truly heavy watching our East Coast neighbors struggle with the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy and frigid temperatures, too! As a matter of fact, it has led to some last minute adjustments on the All Things Southern community’s annual charity drive. This
Buford Thinks Fast
Y’all remember Bubba’s good friend, Buford, right? I was talking to his wife Lou Ann earlier. She assures me that Buford won’t mind me telling y’all what he did the other day. I’m going take her word on it, because it’s just too much fun not to share. One of Buford’s old high school friends has been hounding Buford. The man is in some sort of
The Impatient Yankee
Old Man Henry stories are pretty popular around these parts. No one knows how they got started, or for that matter, how much truth there is to any of ‘em, but they do go way back. Even Mr. Henry seems to get a kick out of ‘em. Some more than others, like the time that poor Yankee drove his car into the ditch outside of
Boudreaux’s Back Seat Drivers
I’ll refrain from mentioning my dear friend by name in this segment. I will tell you that she is the classic back-seat driver, only she’s usually riding shotgun. The same behavior applies. The woman does a fine job of driving from her side of the car. Now, if she were telling this story she would probably say this is necessary because I’m not paying attention
It’s all in the Translation
You don’t generally think of bank robbers as being courteous but that’s the rap (so to speak) on a man who robbed a bank located inside a Kroger in Houston, TX this summer. The video shows Mr. Manners tipping his hat at the teller and wishing everyone in line a wonderful day before making his getaway. Last I heard he was still at large. Authorities
“Running Bear Goldstein Flys High”
I once heard it said that a writer is an eavesdropper with the instincts of a peeping Tom. I wouldn’t go that far, but I will admit that there’s a hint of truth to the quote. The only way I could possibly quit gathering stories would be to wear blinders and earplugs and something tells me that I could still pick up a few whoppers.
Football, Hooligans, and Shenanigans
It’s been a number of years since I coached girls’ basketball but I can still run into certain people, those who wore black and white stripes back in the day, who can’t resist the temptation to poke a little fun at me for the way I lived and died with every whistle. To be completely honest, I deserve the ribbing. As I mentioned in one
Reggie’s Rookie Blues
Reggie is a deputy in a small country town from a neighboring state. He’s been on the force for a long time and he usually enjoys his work but these past few weeks have been stressful. Reggie’s been training a rookie, something he’s done without complaint several times over the course of his career, but to hear him tell it, this guy has him thinking
Mr. Walker Tells It Like He Sees It
Full disclosure, this is one of those I don't take credit for-- I simply enjoy the retelling. It was told to me a while back and I filed it away in my head to pass along to y’all. The good news is that I have total recall of more stories than you can shake a stick at; the bad news is that I can’t always