We CAN find peace and joy WHILE fulfilling our purpose in 2023! Join me on the journey!
Hey friend! I'm working on launch details for my next book, Seizing the Good Life, releasing June 13, 2023 and I’m getting ridiculously excited! Short answer for why this book, now? Because John’s gospel has given me a glorious conviction of how present and willing Jesus is to help believers keep believing! I want us to celebrate that truth together, and I want to give
An update on that meaningful little Christmas…
Dear reader, You may recall my stated goal to "have myself a meaningful little Christmas." Well, grab a Christmas cookie and a comfy chair. Here's the rest of the story. Had you asked me how it was going this past Sunday, I would've said everything was right on track and progressing nicely. (Insert your favorite quote about the best laid plans.) The day before my extended
Have Yourself a Meaningful Little Christmas
The message fell into my heart weeks ago and stayed with me, “Have yourself a Meaningful Little Christmas.” I didn’t know what I was meant to do with it, but I determined to listen. I’ve learned if I’ll value God’s inside voice, He’ll elaborate. Granted, I recognized the gentle spin of the lyrics from the old Christmas classic. I’m not that dense. But any meaning beyond
Ask the right question and find The Answer
…How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Matthew 23:37 Those words were with me when I opened my eyes this morning and they were still circling in my thoughts as I took my coffee to the back porch and sat down to pray. I recognized them as the mournful lament
A story to help you hang in there and not give up!
Hey friend! I'm knee deep in writing on the Gospel of John study I've mentioned to you before. My deadline is late August to turn it in to my publisher and I would love your prayer support as I write. But right now, I'm stopping to encourage YOU. Meet me in the video below and invite a friend to join us. God loves you and
Resurrection Sunday — Jesus Keeps His Word!
I'm back, true to my word. But of exceeding more earth shaking life-changing eternal significance, Jesus kept His Word! He's alive! Praise Him! What's more, Jesus continues to keep His Word to us this day and everyday. Somebody needs to help me shout! It's Saturday evening in my corner of the world. I've got the kitchen smelling up nicely for Easter dinner, and someone (all fingers
On Good Things and Hard Times and How to Hold onto Joy
Hello friend, I hope this finds you well! I'm always thinking of how you might be feeling and what you might be facing. And when my thoughts and prayers line up in a way that I think can help you, I'm prompted to reach out. Which brings me to today's note
Secret Stuff and Jesus Stuffies!
Hello Dear Reader! Here I am back with another missive. It's literally feast or famine with me, isn't it? What can I say. Sometimes I just think of y'all and I know I've got to share. So, how about it? Wanna read some secret stuff? I haven’t cleared this with anyone (as in publisher and agent type people) but I’m gonna drop a few words
Where We Stand
Hello friend, I hope this finds you well. I realize I haven't written in a while, which will make tonight's letter seem unusual as it is of a more serious note than I normally send, but I've got the state of the world on my heart and I wanted to reach out to this community to discuss where we are, as I see it. No
Happiest of New Year greetings to my reader family!
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favorite stretches of time. It’s like the best pause ever, offering anticipation without expectation, space to plan without the pressure of a to-do list. It’s my custom to spend the week leaning in and listening to Jesus direct me concerning the projects stirring in my heart for the year ahead. I was unable to