A story about big heads and slow leaks
Hello folks, let's chat
Shiny Hineys, Fresh Interpretations, and Eye Rolls
Hello folks, let's chat
Marie makes her point and then some
Hello folks, let's chat
Riders and Real Life, you may as well laugh, too!
Hello folks, let's chat
Offense Seeking Syndrome, (or, I’m Here to Help)
Hello folks, let's chat
Alexa is Cool But She Makes Me Nervous
Hello folks, let's chat
The Great Mayonnaise Debacle in the Friendly Skies
Hello folks! Yes, it's really me! I figured I had best send out a newsletter before y'all filed a missing person's report on me. Sorry! I know I've been missing in action around here. All I can tell you is that the launch of my new storytelling cookbook Hungry is a Mighty Fine Sauce has kept me busier than a one-armed paper hanger since it's release
On Healing a Nation and Baby Steps
Hello folks, let's chat
Texting Trouble and What’s That You Say?
Hello folks, let's chat
Fire in the Hole!
Hello folks, let's chat