•  Articles posted by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson (Page 6)

Hey folks! It's an absolutely beautiful day here in northeast Louisiana, after a stormy night. I hope you're well in your corner of the world. Between parents and grandchildren and my writing deadlines, this full-fledged member of the sandwich generation is meeting herself coming and going. But, I haven't forgotten you! Case in point, it occurred to me that y'all might enjoy my Bodacious Broccoli

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favorite stretches of time. It’s like the best pause ever, offering anticipation without expectation, space to plan without the pressure of a to-do list. It’s my custom to spend the week leaning in and listening to Jesus direct me concerning the projects stirring in my heart for the year ahead. I was unable to

Christmas Greetings to you and yours! I hope this finds you well, and I pray it finds you worshipping. It's my ongoing experience that unless we are intentional about guarding our faith throughout the Advent season, the activity surrounding it can steal the present tense joy of the greatest gift of all-- Immanuel, God with Us! Let's be careful not to let it happen.  Our grown