Reckoning and Repentance – A Look at John 8
I hope this new study will be a blessing to you and draw you closer still to the Lover of your soul.
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I hope this new study will be a blessing to you and draw you closer still to the Lover of your soul.
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Hello friend! Happy New Year! I’ve got a word of encouragement for you today.
I hear tell some of you like a story that gives you chill bumps.
Hey friend, I'm meeting myself coming and going on the road right now, but
Judy Bowman
My heart did a leap of gratitude, an “ah” when your post came in yesterday; a coming relief was available. A voice of humor, common sense and biblical wisdom was again on the scene. Thank God! Because, Shellie, you are a person who can be trusted to say what needs saying and can be trusted to walk out the words said. Thank you for the new study, Shellie, a most timely study. You are a treasure, a mighty blessing, a gift. Thank you for doing what God put in you to do. I and thousands of others are grateful.
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
What an incredibly encouraging note, Judy! Have mercy. I’m almost wordless and you know how rare that is! LOL! But sincerely, you’re most welcome for the new study and THANK YOU for your precious note!
May we both stay after Jesus, forever. He is worthy!